
Sadguru Nannagaru narrates the story of great householder devotee Govindadas

Sadguru Nannagaru narrates the story of great householder devotee Govindadas Sadguru Nannagaru narrates the story of great householder devotee Govindadas

Usually all of us have a doubt- Being householders, is it really possible for us to secure Self Realization or not? In Ramana Gita Bhagavan has clarified it: 'Yes, it is possible to secure Self Realization despite being a householder. The householders can carry on their duties along with their spiritual sadhanas and also do some good to the society. Dont be under a delusion that you need to become a sanyasi inorder to secure liberation. Be rest assured that being a householder also, you can get liberated'. Once Narada asked Lord Vishnu: 'Please mention the name of your foremost devotee. I would like to have his darshan'. Lord Vishnu said: 'There is a devotee by name Govindadas near Ujjain who is foremost amongst my devotees. You can have his darshan'. So Narada disguised himself as a traveller and visited Govindadas. Govindadas honoured Narada and offered him to sit. Narada observed that whatever was happening at Govindadas's house was the same routine activities that happens in every householder's house. Both Govindadas and his wife were disgusted with each other and quarelled amongst themselves. Narada felt: 'This Govindadas doesnt look like a devotee. But Lord Vishnu has referred to Govindadas as foremost amongst His devotees. Man can commit mistakes but how can Lord commit any mistake? Let me observe Govindadas for a day and then make conclusion'. So Narada requested Govindadas to give him shelter for a day for which Govindadas gave his consent. After 10 minutes, Govindadas invited Narada to accompany him to his agricultural field. At the field also, Govindadas was totally engrossed in his daily mundane routine activities like handling the workers, ensuring whether the cattle got their fodder or not etc., However Govindadas chanted the name of Lord Narayana for three times in a day. Having observed all this, Narada came to a conclusion that whatever Lord Vishnu told him were all lies. So Narada again came back to Lord Vishnu and said:'I don't see anything special about Govindadas. I agree that he is a hardworker and sincerely carries on his day to day duties. But why do you refer to him as a devotee?' Then Lord Vishnu replied: Carry this oil filled bowl to Mount Meru such that not even a drop of oil spills on the ground. You should not go to Meru mountain flying but you should walk like a normal human being. The only condition is that not even a drop of oil should get spilled on the ground'. Accordingly Narada carried the oil bowl with utmost concentration ensuring that not even a drop of oil spilled on the ground and placed it on Meru mountain. Then Narada returned back to Vishnu and mentioned about his success.Lord Vishnu then asked Narada: ' Its good that you have placed the oil bowl on Meru mountain without spilling even a drop of oil. But how many times did you remember me in your entire journey?' Narada replied:' Not even once as my total concentration has been to ensure that not even a drop spills down from the oil bowl'. Lord Vishnu asked Narada:' You did not contemplate upon me even once when you were asked to carry this oil bowl. But look at Govindadas. Even in the midst of his hectic household duties he remembers me thrice a day. So now tell me who is the foremost devotee? You or Govindadas?' The reason behind narrating this story : Despite being a householder, it is enough if you all contemplate upon Lord and chant His name even occasionally (atleast 4 times a day). But chant Lord's name with utmost love and devotion. Dont chant it mechanically.

Source: 17th Jan 1988 Neredumilli

Sadguru Nannagaru,householder,devotee,Govindadas,

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