Sore Loser: Hillary Suggests Trump Should Have Been Indicted as a Result of Mueller Report
The former secretary of state and failed 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is arguably one of the least self-aware individuals in history, and that fundamentally flawed trait was on display once again as she issued remarkable commentary with regard to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and President Donald Trump.
The Mueller report, which came after two years of in-depth investigation by a team that was decidedly not in favor of Trump, ultimately concluded that there was no evidence to support allegations that Trump or any of his associates had conspired, coordinated or “colluded” with Russia during the 2016 election, nor was there sufficient evidence to support charges of obstruction of justice by Trump against those looking into the collusion allegations.
The Hill reported that Clinton, speaking Tuesday at an event sponsored by Time magazine in New York City, seemed incapable of accepting the conclusions reached by Mueller’s investigation and final report, and suggested that the only reason Trump wasn’t indicted for obstruction by Mueller was because of his position as president.
“I think there’s enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted,” said the woman who somehow escaped indictment for illegally storing classified government documents on an unauthorized and unsecured private email server while head of the State Department, a situation that would have sent any other similar transgressor to prison for years.
Seriously, pause for a moment here and consider just how deliberately obtuse Clinton must be to not acknowledge the similarities in what she alleged happened with Trump avoiding prosecution and her own prosecution-avoiding situation in 2016.
It is truly mind-blowing.
Clinton said that the only reason Mueller failed to issue an indictment against Trump was because of Justice Department protocols and regulations that prevent indictments from being issued against a sitting president.
While it is true that Mueller declined to bring any charges related to obstruction of justice against President Trump, so too did he decline to definitively rule out any of 10 potential instances of obstruction as not being criminal in nature.
Rather, Mueller punted on the whole thing to Congress, specifically the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, where the second volume of his report — the section devoted to the obstruction question — reads like a roadmap to impeachment for Democrats eager to get rid of Trump.
Clinton duly noted as much, and said, “The whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress. And if you read that part of the report, it could not be clearer.”
At another point in the event, according to The Hill, Clinton portrayed herself as the victim of Russian hacking and interference — while making no mention of her own collusion with the political research firm Fusion GPS to hire a former British spy to compile Russian disinformation into a dossier used by the Obama administration to investigate the Trump campaign.
She also called for the release of the “full report, the unredacted version” of Mueller’s investigation into Trump.
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“I’m really of the mind that the Mueller report is part of the beginning, it’s not the end,” Clinton said, with regard to Mueller’s report leading to the eventual impeachment of Trump.
“Because there’s still so much more that we should know and that we should act upon, and obviously that is what the Congress is trying to figure out what to do right now.”
Frank Daletwitted
Hillary Clinton: "I'm really of the mind that the Mueller report is part of the beginning...because there's still so much more that we should know and that we should act upon."
"And we're a long way from knowing because we need to get the full report -- thrump, The Hill reported that Clinton said that doing so would be “something undertaken in a really serious, diligent way, based on evidence.”
Further, smpeachment effort.
Hillary Clinton is complaining that Donald Trump has somehow, based on political double standards, escaped justice for what she claims is evidence of wrongdoing, completely ignoring the fact that tens of millions of Americans feel the exact same way about her — with even more supporting evidence, to boot.
To countless voters who watched the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, it was clear that Clinton benefited from partisan double standards to escape accountability and justice.
For Clinton to manufacture that complaint about Trump now is the height of hypocrisy. For her to actually believe it — and expect to be believed — shows an utter lack of self-awareness that’s simply stunning.