
Taking A Higher-Timeframe Bias Bar Strategy Trade (Live!)

Taking A Higher-Timeframe Bias Bar Strategy Trade (Live!) ► Learn The Strategy:

In this video, I'll walk you through a trade taken using my completely mechanical, rule-based higher-timeframe bias-bar strategy step-by-step, from identifying and mapping the setup, placing an order, watching the order get filled, and going on to hit target, banking £299.15 in profit.

It's without a doubt the most efficient trading setup I have within my day trading strategy toolkit, and with a win-rate that's been hovering around +70%, it's no wonder, especially as it only takes 5 to 10 minutes each evening to identify the setup and place an order before walking away, exactly as I do live in the above video.

Yep, we don't even need to physically 'trade'.

We place an order, and the market does the rest...

How's that for time-efficient. With this setup under your belt, you could work a 12-hour day-job and still trade the edge profitably with next to no time or effort required.

Genuinely, trading CAN be this easy...

If you have any questions, please comment below.

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All content is for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website should be interpreted as “advice”. I make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors or omissions or any damages arising from its display or use.

Neither William Brown nor the company WBTrading™ offer any financial advice whatsoever within any information supplied, be that coaching calls or strategy guides, nor are either qualified to do so. Any person undertaking either does so with the understanding that the information supplied is simply a guide to demonstrate how William Brown trades the strategies he has devised.

All information supplied is done so in a non-professional environment and is for information-purposes only, and neither William Brown nor WBTrading™ hold any responsibility for any financial winnings or losses incurred as a result of this information. Nothing should be interpreted as “advice”.

There is a risk of loss in trading financial instruments and trading these instruments may not be suitable for all investors. Please trade with capital you can afford to lose. Past performance is not indicative of future results. No refunds will be provided as all trading rules are fully-disclosed.

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