
Are Drug Companies Liable for the Costs of Opioid Addiction and the Opioid Crisis?

Are Drug Companies Liable for the Costs of Opioid Addiction and the Opioid Crisis? For a full transcript go to:

Overview of some (not all) of the key federal laws that some drug manufacturers may have violated in their drive to sell more and more opioids – and thus reasons why some of them could be legally liable for the devastation that overuse and misuse of their products has wrought.

My name is Tim McCormack, I am the author of The blog about whistleblower issues. I am also an attorney. I've represented whistleblowers for more than a decade across the United States and around the world. If you need legal advice and want to talk through whether you have a whistleblower case, please contact me for a free, confidential consultation.

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