
How To Be More Feminine And Less Intimidating | Being Vulnerable

How To Be More Feminine And Less Intimidating  | Being Vulnerable How to be more feminine and less less intimidating using the power of vulnerability. The world wants us to view being vulnerable as weak and it makes wanting to be more feminine appear to be less attractive of a goal.

A woman who owns her vulnerability understands that to be vulnerable is not weak in the least, but is actually one of the strongest powers we possess. By being vulnerable we allow ourselves to be seen by another as our truest and most innocent self. Someone who needs protection and support as mentioned in the video and by walking in this form of femininity we invite those around us to acknowledge it as well.

With being vulnerable, because we can then open ourselves to be seen as someone to care for and protect, we display the ability to receive love, support and protection from another.

When we as women are closed and protected, which would be evident with more masculine qualities.... love, protection and support cannot get in, no matter how much women want it.

#femininity #howtobefeminine

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