Now, the senior Congress leader is likely to move Supreme Court against the Karnataka High Court order. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued fresh summons on Thursday against Shivakumar in the money-laundering case.
DK Shivakumar, who is considered as Congress's go-to man in Karnataka, was asked to appear before the ED in New Delhi Friday afternoon for questioning. The agency issued fresh summons after Karnataka High Court yesterday rejected Shivakumar's previous plea against the ED summons.
"Please don't take tension, I have not taken tension, there is no need to take tension. I have not committed any mistake. I have not committed any rape or taken money, there is nothing against me," Shivakumar told reporters in Bengaluru today morning.
"Have received summons from ED late yesterday night at 9.40 pm asking me to appear at 1 PM in Delhi today. Although the sudden scheduling by ED is malafide, I believe in rule of law and will definitely participate and fully cooperate with them and abide by the law of our country," he tweeted.
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#DKShivakumar #HighCourtOfKarnataka #EnforcementDirectorate #InterimProtection #MoneyLaunderingCase