

I'M 18 & WON $24,000,000 IN LOTTERY, HOW WOULD YOU SPEND ALL THE MONEY? Hi! My name is Sandra and winning the lottery shattered my relationship with my family. Of course, it was and still is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, but nothing in this life comes without consequences.
My parents start giving us allowance when I was nine and my brother Quentin was twelve. It was supposed to cover for any personal spending needs, which when youre a kid it basically means it’s the money mom and dad give you to buy candy or play in the arcade and do house chores in exchange for that. For me it meant mostly doing the dishes, but for Quentin it meant taking out the trash and moving the line. I guess It wasn’t really a lot much money, but over the years it increased and became enough to gather some nice savings so we can get things like clothes or video games.
At least that’s what I did. My brother Quentin has always been a bad apple. He did buy video games too. Nice clothes that wasn’t his deal. But instead of a cool jacket that could last for years, he would prefer to spend a money of drugs that last him for i dont know maybe a couple of hours.
So it was no surprising when Quentin stole almost all my savings and convinced my family that I had lost it. Can you believe that? They basically condoned him of ROBBERY!
Quentin took almost five hundred dollars for me. He left me with less than ten bucks. I guess i was kind of him to leave me something or maybe he didn’t see the coins. I was so pissed that I needed to leave home for a while, so I took a walk just to took myself down. I stopped at a minimarket and i spend my last few bucks. I grabbed a coke and a lottery ticket, it was close to the cashier and I thought whatever? I have nothing else to lose, right? I picked one that started on seventeen and finished on twenty five, my two favorite numbers. I just turned eighteen and half of money that Quenteen taking from me was birthday money. It really really sucked and i dont think so much about lottery ticket.
When i got home and the first thing I saw was Quentin playing a videogame in a brand new Ipad. I stared at him for a while until he noticed me, then he said Do you want to play sis? And thank you for the gift. I took a pillow from the couch and threw it to his face. My mom yelled at me, but I was so furious that I didn't care. I went to my bedroom, packed some clothes and then I went to my friend Lucy’s house to spend the night. The next morning we breakfast together with Lucy family Pancakes and bacon can cheer up anyone. Her dad was reading a newspaper and I saw the lottery results on the back page.
WHAT? I almost choked on my orange juice when I saw that one of the winning tickets started on seveteen and ended on twenty five, I quickly got the ticket and i was kind sceptical but when i started compare it to the newspaper and after a few minutes I realized… I WON THE LOTTERY. seventeen, ninteen, twony one , tvony three , twony five. Those were my numbers!
Lucy came with me to the lottery agency to claim the price, and I needed to fill some forms and then an attorney made my sign some papers for me. I just couldn´t believe this, then after that, they give me a big fat check for twony four Million Dollars! Well, ok lets not to get exiceted it was more twelve and thirteen million after taxes. But it was still twelve and thirteen millions dollars.a journalist from the newspaper came to take my picture. Suck on that Quentin!
The first thing I did with all the money was buying couple presents for Lucy and her family, then I went home i packed all my stuff i got an appartment and I moved out.
I didn't want to be with my family anymore. And i figured i had enough money to buy a house but at least to me time i would be a way from them. Lucy wanted to move with me and figured why hack not. we really enjoy this nice apartment downtown and like i said all be a house later maybe she can moved with me too.
You can do a lot of things with 12 Million Dollars, but I didn't want it to be like the people who lose everything after winning the Lottery, so I did what any other rational person would do. I bought a Tesla...and then i found financial advicer to help me invest and keep the earning what i want. And basically make so i can live of my winning for the rest of my life. And you guys maybe wondering what about Quentin. Well I actually belive me or not paid of my family. I gave a million dollars to my parents. On the condition of thing never asked me for anything else. And the thing never like Quentin ever talk to me again. I blocked them my phone and socialmedia and i told them if them need to hold me for any reason he can talk to my lawyer. So feel free to judge me but i think i did the right thing. And my life a lot happier without all of that drama.

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