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How To Sell Candy At School Guide:
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I found that after I rejected people to open a tab with me, over time, people started to know that I was strict with orders. You will obviously be hit with resistance but do not let that phase you. It’ll pass and you will gain the respect of people that money is required to purchase candy. They will remember how you didn’t let them get any yesterday in school so they will make sure to pack money for the next day to buy candy. In my experience they always come back.
But just like that one, there’s many experiences and things that happen throughout the candy selling school day that gets under my skin. After talking with other candy cartel members, I found some of the most common annoyances candy sellers face on a daily basis. I will list them out to you so you know the best way to responds to these types of situations so you can have a smooth selling day and not having to deal with these types of people. #CandyCartel