North wind roll ground yellow leaf retreat, green hill a touch of yellow orange, look at the leaf that yellow green accompanies, perhaps this is the unique style of my hometown qiu dong, do not have the depressive of withered cane old tree, on the contrary another kind of willow dark flower bright excited heart. Eating my mother's cooking shrimp, feel life is too happy😀😀😀 北风卷地黄叶撤,青山一抹黄橙色,看着黄绿相伴的树叶,也许这就是我老家秋冬的独特风格吧,没有枯藤老树的压抑,反而又一种柳暗花明的激动之心。吃着妈妈做的火烧虾,简直太幸福了😀