
MY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY INTERVIEW (Twenty-one-derful Tobyversary)

MY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY INTERVIEW (Twenty-one-derful Tobyversary) One time, I was having a discussion or rather a subtle argument with my dad. The topic, I have forgotten but I was nineteen (19) then and I remember saying;
'...I'm now an adult'
he replied me with a calm but cold 'yes... you are above eighteen but you are not a full adult until twenty-one (21)'

I quickly forgot this discussion but suddenly remembered it a few weeks ago when it occurred to me that I'm turning twenty-one (21) on December 12, 2019.

Twenty-one (21)!!!!!????!!! Damn! what have I done with twenty-one years of my life? What should I even do for this birthday?

I decided to make a video. I had never made a video before, I didn't even know what was involved but because I live on YouTube (not literally though) and my favourite things to watch are talk shows and interviews, it seemed like a good idea.

Shooting a video was not exactly an easy thing to do, we couldn't use our intended venue (we went from 100 to 0), I was sick on the planned day and the presenter was not in a perfect state of well being either. But when I watched the video after editing, I thought it was a chilled out interview.

So the day is here and the video is here.

I'm not just twenty-one, I'm Twenty-one-derful.

#Tobyversary #Twentyonederful

Thanks to Uzo for always supporting me and making my dress

Follow her on Instagram at 👇


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