
Hong Kong Extradition Bill Legislation suspended | Chief Executive Presser | News Update

Hong Kong Extradition Bill Legislation suspended | Chief Executive Presser | News Update Hong Kong Extradition Bill Legislation suspended | Chief Executive Presser | News Update
"The original urgency to pass the bill in this legislative year, is perhaps, no longer there. After a repeated internal deliberation over the last two days, I now announce, that the government has decided to suspend the legislative-amendment exercise. We start our communication with all sectors of society, do more explanation work and listen to different views of society. I want to stress that the government is adopting an open mind to heed comprehensively different views in society towards the bill. The secretary for security will send a letter to the legislative council president to withdraw the resumption of the second reading debate on the bill. In other words, the council, will hold its work in relation to the bill, until our work in communication, explanation and listening to opinions is completed. We have no intention to set a deadline for this work. And promise to report to, and consult members of the legislative council panel on security, before we decide on the next step forward."
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Hong Kong protest,extradition protest in Hong Kong,Hong kong clashes,Chief Executive Emergency Press Conference,Carrie Lam makes an announcement on the current protest situation,Carrie Lam delivers statement,Carrie Lam speech today,Extradition laws suspended,china extraditio bill suspended,protest in hong kong,hong kong situation,hong kong politics,breaking news hong kong,hong kong extradition bill suspended,legislation on extradition bill suspended,news update,

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