1. Gives You Energy: 00:56
During pregnancy, your energy requirements increase manifold. Therefore, during this period if you make a habit of eating dates every day, your body will get the necessary nutrients along with an adequate amount of sugar.
2. Helps You In Getting Rid of Constipation: 01:10
Due to plenty of fiber being present in dates, they help you in getting relief from constipation and also help in keeping your gastrointestinal system fit and healthy. They help in reducing bad cholesterol levels in your blood and also keep your stomach full so that you don’t overeat and thus maintain a normal and healthy figure.
3. Dates Are The Source Of Amino Acids: 01:34
Amino acids are the building blocks of life, so when you include dates in your diet – a rich source of protein – proteins in dates are broken down to amino acids which can be utilized by your body for growth purposes.
4. Protect Your Fetus From Birth Defects: 01:50
Folate is required for normal development of the brain and spinal cord, and deficiency of this can lead to various birth defects. Therefore, it’s recommended by WHO to take folate-rich nutrients before and during the pregnancy period. By eating dates you’ll indirectly be taking folate in your body, and thus will protect your fetus from congenital defects related to the central nervous system.
5. Provides Vitamin K to the Newborn Babies: 02:18
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone formation, but, naturally, newborn babies have low levels of Vitamin K in their body, therefore mother should take dates during and after the pregnancy so that this important vitamin can be transferred to the neonate via breastfeeding.
6. Protect The Baby From Anemia: 02:39
Iron is an important element of hemoglobin and the immune system, and fortunately, it’s also present in small amounts in dates. So, if you consume dates during pregnancy, you’ll save your baby from getting anemia and will also improve yours as well as the neonate’s immunity.
7. Maintains Healthy Environment In Your Body: 02:59
Dates help in the maintenance of an overall healthy environment in your body by providing potassium which helps in regulating water-salt balance, maintaining blood pressure and minimizing muscle cramps. If this mineral gets deficient, then it is a very life-threatening situation due to the increased chances of stroke, heart diseases and hypertension.
8. Provides Magnesium To The Baby: 03:23
Dates also provide other very important mineral, called magnesium, which is essential for teeth and bone formation in the baby. Besides this, it also helps in maintaining your blood pressure and protects you from getting hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. If this mineral gets deficient in your body during pregnancy, then you will have an increased risk of early labor, chronically high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and placental abnormalities.